Dr Sudhir Dhage

Dr Sudhir Dhage

Dean - Administration & Quality Assurance
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology (SPIT)

Dr. Sudhir Dhage is working as a Professor (in Computer Engineering) and Dean (Administration and Quality Assurance) at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai. His area of interest is Applied Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has 29 years of experience in academics, research and administration.

In his supervision five PhD research scholars have been awarded PhD degrees and three are on the verge of completion. In his credits he has 02 Books and 07 Books chapters, 05 patents, 14 SCI journal publications in refereed journals as well as 62 Publications in international conference proceedings. His research papers has been cited over 1200+ times. He has been awarded “Best Ph.D. Thesis Award” for the year 2016 presented by the Computer Society of India, Science City, Kolkota. He has been awarded the``Rashtriya Sanman Award''' presented by the National Education and Human Resource Development Department in Oct-2012.

He has been awarded “CSI Longest Continuous SBC Award”, presented by CSI at IITB, Mumbai in Dec 2014. He has conducted the FDP on Data Science. He has delivered talks in conferences and seminars on various areas such as Distributed Computing, Machine learning, Theory of Computation etc. He was the students Coordinator of CSI region-VI for Maharashtra and Goa. He is a senior member of IEEE and CSI IEEE and Life Member of the Computer Society of India for the last 25 years.


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